Hey, lovely! I’m Dr. Anita Lee.

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“The change I want to see must first begin in me."


William Mcdowell


Wife of one, mother of 3 gifts, Doctor of Physical Therapy, worship leader and lover of Alabama football. (Roll Tide!)

When my children were younger, I faced the day-to-day challenges of a modern mama. I felt defeated because I failed at finishing all of my planned daily activities.  I struggled with finding organization to run my household. At the end of the day, my energy level was -15 ,which left exercise and “hubby loving” on the back burner.

I juggled  the demands of working outside of the home, as a PT, and was burned out on ministry responsibilities. I was in an unpleasant mood and took out my frustrations on my hubby and children. The cycle continued and no solutions "stuck" with me.

I knew that something had to change, but there was little encouragement  to MAINTAIN a fresh lifestyle.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.
— Albert Eienstein

I made small, simple and do-able changes to those areas that needed to be enhanced. Starting with my soul; I had to trust Jesus to uproot the defeated mindset, and allow his Promises to heal my "stank" attitude.

Using my physical therapy expertise, I incorporated movement throughout my day and plugged into a fitness group that held me accountable.  I got serious about eating WHOLE foods and what my children were eating.

As my younger babies started to eat solid foods, I created a culture of a healthy lifestyle with nourishing food choices. They have now learned how to pick out wholesome foods and identify junk foods. Of course, I let my kids be kids with their occasional party foods (as we all should!). But I feel confident knowing that holistic health will be an integral part of their adult life.  Now eating and physical activity is not a chore in our household; it's fun and rewarding!

 Listen! I'm a working/ stay-at-home mama who has the exact same challenges as you.  I would be honored to support and nurture you as you make your next steps towards balance, nourishment for yourself and wellness for your children.


If I can do it, you can do it too.

-Dr. Anita